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2023-12-26 09:13:16

MBA基础班词汇测试一MBA基础班词汇测试二MBA基础班词汇测试三MBA基础班词汇测试四MBA基础班词汇测试五MBA基础班词汇测试六MBA基础班词汇测试七MBA基础班词汇测试七61.The two lawyers ___ for a few minutes a ...





61.The two lawyers ___ for a few minutes about the exact meaning of a point of law.
A) discussed B) argued C) quarrelled D) clashed

62.He stood on the ___ of the river, looking down into the water.
A) border B) coast C) bank D) beach

63.He said that one must ___ religion from politics.
A) divorce B) divide C) identify D) differ

64.Generally, the larger the ___ , the more stable the object.
A) basis B) basin C) base D) basement

65.We cannot judge a person simply on the ___ of his education.
A) condition B) basis C) principle D) base

66.By rail it is cheaper to buy a return ticket than two ___ tickets.
A) individual B) single C) singular D) separate

67.We’re all in favor of spending whatever is necessary to ___ air pollution.
A) struggle B) combat C) conflict D) dismiss

68.We must leave nothing to ___.
A) possibility B) wish C) opportunity D) chance

69.He ___ the members of the audience to their seats.
A) accompanied B) distributed C) attended D) conducted

70. While in London, we paid a visit to the hospital founded ___ the nurse Florence Nightingale.
A) in line with B) in favour of C) in honour of D) in place of

解析:A) discuss vt. 讨论,辩论,论述
eg. They put their heads together to ~ what to do next. 他们聚在一起讨论下一步干什么。
What does the book ~ ? 这本书讲的是什么?
~ business with sb. 与某人谈生意(或正经事 )
B) argue vi./vt. 提供理由,争论,主张,认为 argue for/against 提供理由
~ with sb. about/over sth. 与某人辩论某事
~ sb. into ( out of ) doing sth. 说服某人做(不做)某事
eg. The report ~s against tax increases. 报告列举了反对增税的种种理由。
I was too tired to ~ the point. 我太累了,不想争论这一点。
His accent ~s him to be a southerner. 他的口音表明他是个南方人。
C) quarrel n./vi. 争吵 have a ~ with sb. about sth. 就某事跟某人争吵
make/patch up a ~ (争吵后)言归于好
~ with sb. 与某人吵架
D) clash vi./vt./n. 发生冲突,不协调,不一致
eg. Her birthday party ~ed with my examination, so I couldn’t go. 她的生日庆祝会和我的考试时间冲突,所以我没法去。
The fittings ~ with architecture. 建筑物的设备与其风格不配。
a ~ of opinions 意见的冲突 a color ~ 色彩的不协调

解析:A) border n./vi./adj. 边沿,边境,边界
eg. ~ disputes 边境争端 ~ incidents 边境事件
B) coast n./vt./vi. 海岸,沿岸航行
eg. sail along the ~ 沿海岸航行 ~ing trade 沿海贸易(尤指国内沿海港口间的贸易)
C) bank n./vt./vi. (河)岸,堤,(山)坡
eg. on the south ~ of the Yangtse River 在长江南岸
D) beach n./vi./vt. 海滩,(船)搁浅

解析:A) divorce n./vt./vi. 离婚,分离,脱离
eg. the ~ of theory from practice 理论脱离实践
the ~ between state and religion 政教的分离
B) divide vt./vi./n. 分开,隔开
eg. ~ one’s time between work and study 把时间分别用在工作和学习上
Let’s ~ ourselves into two groups. 我们分成两个小组吧。
The new road will ~ the development. 这条路将把开发区隔开。
C) indentify vt./vi. 认出,识别,确定,一致
eg. Some people ~ happiness with wealth. 有些人认为有钱就是幸福。
A small baby can ~ its mother by her voice. 幼小的婴儿能听得出母亲的声音。
The witness was able to ~ who had fired. 证人认得出是谁开的枪。
~ … as… 认出 She identified the man as her attacker. 她认出那个男人就是袭击过她的人。
D) differ vt. 不同 differ from
eg. Chinese ~s greatly from English in pronunciation. 汉语发音跟英语大不相同。
We ~ from/with him on/about/upon that question. 我们在那个问题上跟他们意见不同。

解析:A) basis n. [pl.] bases 基础,理论(抽象)
eg. on a friendly ~ 在友好的基础上(或根据友好的原则)
B) basin n. 盆,盆地
eg. an ocean ~ 海洋盆地
C) base 基础,底部,基地
eg. a missile ~ 导弹基地 a naval ~ 海军基地 the ~ of a triangle 三角形的底
D) basement n. 建筑物底部,基础部分;地下室

解析:A) condition vt./n. 条件,前提,状态 on no ~ 决不 on this/that ~ 在这种(那种)条件下
B) basis n. [pl.] bases 基础,理论 on the ~ of 在……的基础上
C) principle n. 原则,准则
eg. run a country on socialist ~s 按社会主义原则治国
a matter/question/ of ~ 原则性问题
D) base 基础,底部,基地
eg. a missile ~ 导弹基地 a naval ~ 海军基地 the ~ of a triangle 三角形的底

解析:A) individual adj./n. 个人的,个体的,单独的,独特的
eg. give ~ attention (instruction) 给予个别注意(指导)
~ private ownership 个体所有制 boat trips for parties and ~s 团体或个人的坐船游览 an ~ style 独特风格
B) single adj./n./vt./vi. 单一的,单程的,未婚的,专一的,唯一的
eg. a ~ track (铁路)单轨 walk in ~ file 成单列走 a ~ bed 单人床
write down every ~ word 写下每一个词 an ~ man 独身男子
C) singular adj./n. 单一的,非凡的,奇异的
eg. ~ beauty 非常美 a man of ~ courage 胆略超群的人
a ~ specimen 独一无二的标本 ~ to say [用作插入语]说也奇怪
D) separate adj./n./vt./vi. 分开的,分离的,各别的,独立的
eg. the ~ parts of the body 身体的各个部分 be ~d from the army 从军中退役
~ cream out of milk 从牛奶中提取奶油

解析:A) struggle vi./vt./n. 斗争,奋斗,挣扎
eg. ~ against/with difficulties 与困难作斗争
~ for national indipendence 为民族独立而斗争
B) combat n./vt./vi. 战斗,斗争,格斗
eg. ~ diseases 与疾病作斗争 ~ effectiveness 战斗力
C) conflict n./vi. 斗争,冲突 in ~ (with) (与……)相抵触,(和……)不一致
eg. the ~ between government and opposition 政府和反对党之间的斗争
a ~ of opinions/ideas 意见(思想)上的分歧
D) dismiss vt./vi. 让……离开,打发,解雇,开除,解散,消除
eg. The manager ~ed the meeting. 经理宣布散会。
The class is ~ed. 现在下课。
~ sb. with a wave of the hand 摆手把某人打发走
~ sb. from his post 撤销某人的职务

解析:A) possibility n. 可能性,可能的事,发展前途,合适的人
eg. Is there any ~ of our getting there? 我们还能准时赶到那里吗?
There is no ~ of his coming back this week. 他本星期不可能回来。
B) wish vt./vi./n. 祝愿,希望,但愿,要求,命令,希望的事
eg. the needs and ~es of the people 人民的需要和愿望
Make a ~ 提出愿望
Have a (no) ~ to do sth. 想(不想)做某事
C) opportunity n. 机会,良机
eg. make an/the~ of doing/to do sth. 创造做某事的机会
In search of new opportunities 寻求新的机会
D) chance n./vi./vt. 机会,可能性,偶然的事,运气,冒险,彩票
eg. a good~ to learn from sb. 一个向某人学习的好机会
leave sth. to~ 对某事听其自然

解析:A) accompany vt./vi. 陪同,伴随,伴奏
eg. Thunder accompanies lightning. 雷声伴随着闪电。
B) distribute vt./vi. 分配,散布,把……分类
~ pictures among children 把图片分给孩子们
C) attend vt./vi. 出席,参加,陪伴,伴随
eg.~ a meeting 参加会议 a cold~ed by fever 有寒热的感冒
D) conduct n./vt./vi. 实施,处理,引导,带领,传导
eg.~ sb. over a school 带领某人参观学校
~ sb. to his table 把某人领到餐桌边入席 70. 答案:C
译文:在伦敦的时候,我们去参观了为纪念Florence Nightingale护士而建造的医院。
解析:A) in line with 跟……一致,符合
eg. Behaviour at school parties must be in line with school’s rule.
B) in favour of 赞同,支持,有利于
eg. be in favour of sb.’s suggestion 赞同某人的建议
I rejected him in favour of George. 我拒绝了他而选择了乔治。
C) in honour of为向……表示敬意,为庆祝……,为纪念……
eg. give a banquet in honour of the delegation 设宴招待代表团
D) in place of 代替,交换
eg. use plastics in place of wood or metal 用塑料来代替木材或金属


51.Microsoft insisted that Windows NT should be used on every type of computer, from notebook-size ___ ones to the huge ones that fill data centers.
A) portable B) mobile C) slight D) domestic

52.It was nearly Christmas, and the children were in high ___.
A) moods B) spirits C) tempers D) hearts

53.Scientists have discovered a close ___ between smoking and several serious diseases.
A) contact B) connection C) communication D) combination

54.We have enormous reserves of oil still waiting to be ___.
A) deposited B) disposed C) tackled D) tapped

55.He grew very angry when he realized how he had been ___ out of his money.
A) tricked B) plotted C) deceived D) robbed

56.The cars were___because it was impossible to go any further in the fog.
A) sacrificed B) transported C) abandoned D) removed

57.The president ___ the nation on the subject of war and peace.
A) remarked B) addressed C) debated D) commented

58.He ___me to take a lawyer to court with me.
A) advised B) suggested C) demanded D) insisted
59.The police ___ him of participation in the robbery.
A) distrusted B) questioned C) suspected D) doubted

60.The government is ___ to reassure everyone that the situation is under control.
A) worried B) anxious C) concerned D) desirable

译文:微软强调Windows NT应该适用于每一种类型的计算机,不管是手提电脑还是用于数据中心的巨型电脑。
解析:A) portable adj./n. 轻便的,手提式的,可移植的, 便携式电脑,活动房屋
eg. a ~ typewriter 手提打字机 a ~ test instrument 便携式测试仪器
B) mobile adj./n. 活动的,流动的,易变的,活动装置
eg. a ~ missile launcher 移动式导弹发射器 ~ labour 流动劳动力
~ troops 快速部队 a ~ face 表情多变的脸 ~ phone 手机
C) slight adj./vt. 纤细的,轻微的,少量的,轻视,藐视
eg. a ~ figure 瘦小的身材 a ~ framework 脆弱的骨架
a ~ cold 轻微的伤风 a ~ difference 微小的区别
D) domestic adj./n. 家庭的,国内的,本地的
eg. ~ economy 家庭经济 ~ appliances 家用器具
~ and foreign policies 国内外政策

解析:A) be in a good (bad) mood 情绪好(坏)
B) in high/great spirits 情绪高涨,兴高采烈
in poor/low spirits 情绪低落,意气消沉
C) be in a good (bad) temper 心情好(不好)
D) in heart 情绪高昂的

解析:A) contact n./vt./vi./adj./adv. 接触,联系,交往
eg. The pilot tried to make ~ with his base. 飞行员设法与基地联系。
A physical ~ 身体的接触
Come into ~ with new ideas 接触新思想
B) connection n. 联结,连接,联系,关系,因果(或逻辑)关系
eg. His illness must have had some ~ with his diet. 他的病想必同他的饮食有关。
C) communication n. 传达,交流,交往,沟通,通讯
eg. a lack of ~ between old and young persons 老年人和青年人之间的缺乏沟通
The Ministry of Communications (中国)交通部
D) combination n. 结合(体),联合(体)
eg. in ~ with 与……联合,与……结合,与……混合

解析:A) deposit vt./vi./n. 存放,储蓄,沉淀
eg. ~ sth. with sb. 把某物寄放在某人处 ~money in a bank 把钱存在银行里
oil ~ 油田,石油藏量 a savings ~ 储蓄金
B) dispose vt./vi. 配置,布置,安排,使倾向于,使适应
eg. I am ~d to agree with you. 我倾向于你的观点。
~these floppy disks within reach 把这些软盘安放在伸手可以取到的地方
C) tackle n./vt./vi. 用具,着手处理,对付,解决
eg. ~sb. on a subject 为某一问题与某人交涉
~sb. about his frequent absences 为某人经常缺勤而找他谈话
D) tap vt./vi./n. 开发,发掘,水龙头
eg. ~the natural resources 开发自然资源
~the production potential 发掘生产潜力
~the Western technology 利用西方技术

解析:A) trick n./adj./vt./vi. 把戏,欺诈
trick out of 哄骗,诈骗
eg. trick sb. out of his money 骗取某人的钱
B) plot n./vt./vi. 密谋,策划,情节
eg. They are plotting together to take over the company. 他们正在合谋接管公司。
a~to assassinate the king 刺杀国王的阴谋
C) deceive vt./vi. 欺骗,诓骗,蒙蔽,欺诈
eg. ~sb. into doing sth. 骗某人去做某事 be ~d in sb. 受某人蒙骗
D) rob vt./vi. 抢劫,盗窃
eg. ~a man of his money 抢人钱财 ~a bank 抢一家银行


41.She ___ through the mist, trying to find the right path.
A) glanced B) peered C) gazed D) scanned

42.I don’t want to ___ you, but I must get my money back soon.
A) depress B) oppress C) press D) compress

43.She was showing a marked ___ o f interest in her school work.
A) limit B) vacuum C) short D) lack

44.On hearing the news, she flew into a(n) ___.
A) flame B) anger C) offence D) rage

45.The ___ why she didn’t get the job was that her English was not very good.
A) cause B) result C) reason D) origin

46.After the demonstration, the students went to the ___ and asked to see the ambassador.
A) stadium. B) studio C) embassy D) gallery

47.___ the very cold winter, we have run out of coal earlier than we expected.
A) By reason of B) At the risk of C) For the sake of D) At the mercy of

48.The businessman was put in prison because he ___ to pay taxes.
A) rejected B) objected C) refused D) opposed

49.After his service to the country, he was ___ with a knighthood.(爵士身份).
A) praised B) honoured C) granted D) recommended

50.I’m not really ill, but I have a ___ headache.
A) pale B) temporary C) delicate D) slight

解析:A) glance vi./n. 一瞥,扫视,擦过,掠过
eg. ~at one’s watch 看一下表 ~one’s eyes down the page 双眼扫过一页
take/give a ~at 对……粗略的看一下
B) peer vi. 凝视,盯着看,费力地看
eg. ~at the traffic lights 注视着交通灯
~into the distance 凝视着远方
C) gaze vi./n. 凝视,注视,盯
eg. ~at the fire 盯着炉火 ~into the distance 凝眸远眺
Stand high and ~far 站得高看得远
D) scan vt./vi. 细看,反复察看,审视,浏览
eg. He raised his hinoculars to ~the coast. 他举起双筒望远镜仔细瞭望海岸。
Read some chapters and ~the rest of the book 读书中的几章并浏览其余部分

解析:A) depress vt. 降低,压低,抑制,使郁闷,使不景气
eg. ~wages 降低工资
This drug ~es the action of the heart. 这种药品使心脏活动减弱。
B) oppress vt. 压迫,压制,使烦闷
eg. a system which ~ed working people 压迫劳动人民的制度
Feel ~ed with the heat 热得难受
C) press vt./vi./n. 压,逼迫,强调
eg. ~sth. (down) with a stone 用石头压(下)某物
~the phone buttons 按电话按钮
~sb. for an answer 催逼某人回答
~sb. to do sth. 逼迫某人做某事
D) compress vt./vi. 压紧,压缩,凝缩
eg. Thirty years are ~ed into a dozen sentences. 30年光阴简括成了十几句话。
~a paper to minimum length 把论文压缩到最短篇幅

解析:A) limit n./ vt. 限制,界限
eg. The creative power of man knows no ~s. 人的创造力是无穷无尽的。
The diver went into the deep water beyond the danger ~. 潜水员潜到超过危险线的深水中去了。
B) vacuum n./adj./vi./vt. [pl.] ~s/vacua 真空,空虚
eg. create a power ~制造一个权力真空状态 in a ~仿佛在真空中
C) short adj./adv./vt./vi. 短,矮,低,短缺
eg. ~hair 短发 a ~~story 超短篇小说
a man long on ideas but ~on knowledge 一个主意不少但只是肤浅的人
D) lack n./vt. 缺乏,不足
eg. for/by/from/through ~of 因缺乏 no ~(of) 不缺乏
show a complete ~of method 显得毫无条理

解析:A) flame n./vi./vt. 火焰,光辉,激情,闪耀,点燃
eg. ~s from the burning log 燃烧着的木头上腾起的火焰
burst into ~(s) 烧起来
B) anger n./vt./vi. 愤怒,使发怒
eg. The little boy’s mischief ~ed parents. 这个小男孩的顽皮使他的父母生气。
Be filled with ~ 满腔怒火
C) offence n. 冒犯,罪行,讨厌的东西,进攻
eg. commit an ~ against a rule 犯规 weapons of ~ 刺耳的声音
D) rage n./vi. 狂怒,狂暴,激情,汹涌,盛行
fly/fall into a rage 勃然大怒

解析:A) cause n./vt. 原因,起因,理由,动机,使产生
eg. There is no ~ for anxiety. 不必焦虑。
~ and effect 因果
B) result n./vi. 结果,成果,导致
eg. His limp is the ~ of a fall. 他的瘸腿是摔了一跤所致。
announce election ~s 宣布选举结果
C) reason n./vi./vt. 理由,原因,推论
eg. There is no ~ for us to go. 我们没有理由去。
The police have ( every good ) ~ to arrest him. 警察(完全)有理由逮捕他。
D) origin n. 起源,来源,起因,出身
eg. the ~(s) of civilization 文明的起源
a certificate of ~ [商](商品的)产地证明书

解析:A) stadium [pl.] stadia/~s n. (有看台的)露天体育场
B) studio (艺术)工作室,排练房,电影制片厂
eg. a photographic ~ 摄影室
C) embassy n. 大使馆,大使的职务
eg. go/come on an ~ 去(来)任大使
send sb. on an ~ 派遣某人出任大使
D) gallery n./vt./vi. 长廊,美术馆,建筑长廊

解析:A) by reason of 由于,因为
eg. We succeeded ~ good organization. 因为组织得好,我们成功了。
B) at the risk of 冒着……危险
eg. do sth. ~ one’s life 冒着生命危险做某事
C) for the sake of 由于,为了,为了……的利益
eg. ~ convenience 为了方便起见
D) at the mercy of 完全受……支配,任凭……摆布
eg. ~ circumstances 受环境所支配

解析:A) reject vt./n. 拒绝,抵制,排斥,抛弃,驳回
eg. He was afraid she would ~ him because he was a foreigner.
~ a request 拒绝请求 ~ an appeal 驳回上诉
B) object n./vt./vi. 实物,目标,提出,反对,不赞成
eg. I ~ to the proposal. 我反对这个建议。
He ~ed that I was not careful enough. 他表示反对,说我不够谨慎。
C) refuse vt./vi. 拒绝,不愿
eg. He never ~s to help his friends. 他从不拒绝帮助朋友。
~ sb. 拒绝某人 ~ a gift 拒收礼物
D) oppose vt./vi. 反对,反抗,阻挡,使对抗
eg. ~ new tax legislation 反对新税法
~ advangages to disadvantages 把有利条件与不利条件相对照

解析:A) praise n./vt./vi. 赞扬,崇拜
eg. win high ~ 受到高度赞扬 deserve ~ for what one has done因所做的事该受表扬
B) honour n./vt. 荣誉,名誉
eg. show ~ to sb. 向某人表示敬意
in ~ of 为向……表示敬意,为庆祝……,为纪念……
C) grant vt./vi./n. 同意,准予,承认
eg. ~ (sb.) a request 同意(某人的)请求
~ sb. permission to do sth. 准许某人做某事
~ the truth of what sb. says 承认某人所说的是真话
D) recommend vt. 推荐,介绍,建议,劝告
eg. They ~ that the machine be overhauled. 他们建议把机器检修一下。
~ (sb.) a book (向某人)推荐一本书
~ sb. for a job 给某人介绍一份工作

解析:A) pale adj./vt./vi. 苍白的,暗淡的,无力的
eg. look ~ 面色苍白 be ~ with fright 吓得面无人色
a ~ moon 暗淡的月光 ~ blue 淡蓝色
B) temporary adj./n. 暂时的,临时的
~ needs 暂时需要 a ~ receipt 临时收据 a ~ office 临时办公室
C) delicate adj./n. 柔软的,纤细的,精致的,娇弱的
eg. as ~ as silk 绸缎般地柔软 the ~ skin of a baby 婴儿娇嫩的皮肤
D) slight adj./vt./n. 纤细的,瘦小的,轻微的,不足道的
eg. There is not the ~est reason. 毫无理由。
a ~ figure 瘦小的身材 a ~ cold 轻微的伤风
a ~ odour of gas 一点煤气味 a ~ difference 微小的区别


31.Will all those ___ the proposal raise their hands?
A) in relation to B) in excess of C) in contrast to D) in favor of

32.When he was a young man, Lincoln ___ down the Mississippi in a flatboat.
A) drained B) dragged C) dripped D) drifted

33.Tom got home very late that night and his parents were already asleep, so he tiptoed(踮起脚走)upstairs to his own room, ___ of waking either of them.
A) fearful B) frightening C) alarmed D) anxious

34.Was it ___ at the party on Friday?
A) funny B) drama C) dramatic D) fun

35.We were abliged to accept it as true in the ___of other evidence.
A) shortage B) lack C) presence D) absence

36.After a quick ___ at the patient the doctor rang for an ambulance.
A) glance B) glimpse C) gaze D) stare

37.Mary was given the first prize by the ___ of judges.
A) panel B) cabinet C) appointment D) harmony

38.I caught a ___ of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street.
A) vision B) glimpse C) look D) scene

39.Children are very curious ___.
A) at heart B) on purpose C) in person D) by nature

40.During the war she always kept a ___ of tinned food in the house.
A) load B) substitute C) reserve D) conservation

解析:A) in/with relation to 关于,涉及,有关;与……相比
eg. I have a lot to say ~that affair. 关于那件事,我有好多话要说。
Wages are very low ~the cost of living. 与生活费相比,工资是很低的。
B) in excess of 超过
C) in contrast to/with 与……形成对比,与……截然不同
D) in favor of 赞同,支持,有利于
eg. be in favor of sb.’s suggestion 赞同某人的建议

解析:A) drain vt./vi./n. 慢慢排去,使耗尽
eg. ~rice 滤去米中的水 dig trenches to ~the water away 开沟排水
B) drag vt./vi./n. 用力拉,拖,拽
eg. ~a net in fishing 拖网捕鱼 ~oneself along 拖着脚步走
C) drip vt./vi./n. 滴下,溢出
eg. See if the tap is dripping. 去看看龙头有没有漏水。
D) drift n./vi./vt. 漂流
eg. harbour ~港湾里漂浮的杂物 ~apart (两者)漂离,疏远

解析:A) fearful adj. 可怕的,害怕的,担心的,敬畏的,极坏的
fearful of 怕,担心
eg. be fearful of falling 怕摔到
B) frightening adj. 恐吓的,害怕的
C) alarm n./vt. 警报,使惊恐,使担心
D) anxious adj. 忧虑的,焦虑的,渴望的,急切的
eg. an ~moment 令人焦急不安的时刻
Be ~for sb. to succeed 渴望某人成功
Be ~to know the result 急于了解结果

解析:A) funny adj./n. 滑稽的,有趣的,古怪的,不舒服的,狡猾的,笑话
eg. a ~story 好笑的故事
B) drama n. 剧本,戏剧
Eg. stage a ~上演一出戏
Be interested in Chinese ~对中国戏剧有兴趣
C) dramatic adj. 戏剧的,戏剧性的,激动人心的,惹人注目的
eg. a ~event (scene) 富有戏剧性的事件(场面)
D) fun n./adj. 有趣的,给人欢乐的
eg. have fun 作乐,玩乐 a ~party 欢乐的聚会 have a ~time 过的开心

35. 答案:D
解析:A) shortage n. 不足,缺少 no lack of 不缺乏
eg. a ~of 100 tons 100吨的短缺额
B) lack n./vi./vi. 缺少,缺乏 for/by/from/through lack of 因缺乏
eg. Logic is a conspicuous ~ in his writing. 他的文章显然缺乏逻辑性。
He is ~ing in responsibility. 他缺乏责任心。
Your statement ~s detail. 你的叙述不够详尽具体。
C) presence n. 出席,到场;存在
eg. speak in the ~ of a large audience 在许多听众面前讲话
in sb.’s ~ 在某人面前,当着某人的面
Your ~ is requested. 请你出席。
There was a strong police ~ at the demonstration. 示威游行现场有很多警察。
D) absence n. 不在,缺席,缺乏
eg. ~ from classes 缺课 ask for leave of ~ 请假
in the ~ of these conditions 在缺乏这些条件的情况下

解析:A) glance vi./n. 一瞥,扫视,擦过,掠过
eg. ~at one’s watch 看一下表 ~one’s eyes down the page 双眼扫过一页
take/give a ~at 对……粗略的看一下
B) glimpse n./vt./vi. 一瞥,一看
eg. a ~at Shanghai 上海一瞥 catch/at a ~of 瞥见……
C) gaze vi./n. 凝视,注视,盯
eg. ~at the fire 盯着炉火 ~into the distance 凝眸远眺
Stand high and ~far 站得高看得远
D) stare vi./vt./n. 盯,凝视,目不转睛的看,惹眼,显眼
eg. ~at sb. 盯着某人 ~into the distance 凝视远方

解析:A) panel n. 陪审团,专门小组
eg. a foreign aid ~援外问题专门研究(或顾问)小组
a ~of experts 专家小组 interview a consumer ~访问一组有代表性的用户
B) cabinet n.adj. 橱,柜,内阁
eg. a filing ~公文柜 a ~council 内阁会议 a Cabinet Minister 内阁大臣,阁员
C) appointment n. 任命,约会,家具,设备
eg. the ~of a proper person to an office 任命一个适当的人担任某个职务
take up an ~上任 make/fix an ~with sb. 与某人约会
D) harmony n. 协调,一致,和睦,平静
eg. be in ( out of ) ~with 与……(不)协调 live in ~和睦相处

解析:A) vision n./vt. 视力,看见,目光,梦幻,想象
eg. beyond sb.’s ~在某人视力以外 the ~of a poet 诗人的想象力
a man without ~没有远见的人
B) glimpse n./vt./vi. 一瞥,一看
eg. a ~at Shanghai 上海一瞥 catch/at a ~of 瞥见……
C) look vi./vt./n. 看,留神,一瞥
eg. May I have a ~at it? 让我看一看好吗?
D) scene n. 一段情节,景象,景色
eg. at the ~of the accident 在事故现场

解析:A) at heart 在内心里,实际上,本质上
B) on purpose 为了,故意地
eg. He came here ~to discuss it with you. 他到这儿来是要与你讨论这事的。
Do sth. ~故意做某事
C) in person 亲自,直接,当面
eg. He will come ~. 他将亲自来。
You may ask him ~. 你可以亲自问他。
D) by nature 天生地,出于本性地

解析:A) load n./vt./vi. 担子,负荷,装载
eg. a tree weighed down by its ~of fruit 树枝被累累果实压弯的树
a ~of taxation 赋税的重压
B) substitute n./vt./vi./adj. 代替,取代
A milk ~prepared from soybeans 用大豆做的代乳品
C) reserve vt./n. 储备,保留,保存
eg. in ~被留待后用,被留出备用 the gold ~黄金储量
D) conservation n. (资源)保护,(艺术品)保存
eg. the ~of soil and water 水土保持


21.Their ___ grew longer as the afternoon went on.
A) shadows B) shades C) shapes D) shallows

22.Before he left for his vacation he went to the bank to ___ some money.
A) pull B) pick C) gain D) draw

23.He ___ his childhood memories for the material of most of his stories.
A) turns on B) works on C) draws on D) tries on

24.He saw the plane crash into the sea when its engines ___.
A) failed B) faded C) fainted D) fired

25.It is hot in the day-time but the temperature ___ sharply at night.
A) decreases B) drops C) descends D) reduces

26.Young as he was, he was in ___ of a large number of men.
A) management B) leadership C) charge D) direction

27.They ___ on us as they were passing through town.
A) dropped off B) dropped by C) dropped down D) dropped in

28.Give me his ___ words.
A) precise B) correct C) exact D) accurate

29.Let’s ___ some of these old newspaper. It takes too much room here.
A) dispose B) dismiss C) discharge D) discard

30.I don’t like to ask people for help as a rule but I wonder if you could ___ me a favour.
A) make B) do C) find D) get

解析:A) shadow n./vt./vi./adj. 阴影,影子,变暗,幻影,暗示
eg. The willow’s ~ falls on the lake.垂柳的影子倒映在湖面上。
in the ~ of a tree 在树荫下 a ~ over one’s happiness给幸福蒙上阴影
B) shade n./vt. 阴凉处,阴暗,细微差别,微量,愁容
eg. There is not enough light and ~ in this picture. 这幅画的明暗色调不够明显。
under the ~ of a tree 在树荫下
C) shape n./vt./vi. 形状,样子,幻象
eg. A vague ~ appeared through the mist. 雾中出现一个模糊的形象。
rocks of various ~s 各种形态的岩石 in good financial ~ 经济情况好
D) shallow adj./n./vt./vi. 浅的,薄的,肤浅的
eg. a ~ dish 浅底盘 a ~ man 浅薄的人 ~ talk 肤浅的谈话

解析:A) pull vt./vi./n. 拖,拉,牵
eg. Pull the door open. Don’t push it. 把门拉开,不要推。
B) pick vt./vi./n. 捡起,挑选
eg. Pick what suits you. 适合你的就拿吧。
C) gain vt./vi./n. 获得,赢得,增加
eg. ~ still greater successes 获得更大的成功 ~ a battle 打胜仗
D) draw vt./vi./n. 拉,拖,取款,引起
eg. ~ one’s salary 领取工资 ~ sb.’s attention 吸引某人注意

解析:A) turn on 开,把……对准,依靠,取决于,使产生兴趣
eg. The trip turns on whether it will be fine tomorrow. 这次旅行取决于明天是否天晴。
~ on the radio 开收音机 ~ charm 一下子显露魅力
B) work on 继续工作,不断工作,做(某人)工作,设法说服,影响
C) draw on 吸收,利用,向……支取,引诱,鼓励
eg. ~ one’s knowledge of the law 利用自己的法律知识
~ sb. at 30 days’ sight 见票30天后向某人支取
D) try on 试穿,耍弄,玩弄(花招等)
eg. It is no use trying such tricks on with us. 对我们耍这种花招是没有用的。
~ a coat 试穿一件上衣

解析:A) fail vi./vt./n. 失败,不及格,中断,衰弱,失灵
eg. ~ in an examination 考试不及格
~ in health 健康状况下降
I ~ed in persuading him. 我没能说服他。
One of the plane’s engines ~ed. 飞机的一个发动机失灵了。
The patient’s heart ~ed. 病人的心脏停止了跳动。
B) fade vi./vt./n. 凋谢,退色,变暗,逐渐消失
eg. ~ away 消失,;离去
The sound of the motorboat faded away in the distance. 汽船的声音在远处逐渐消失。
C) faint adj./n./vi. 虚弱的,怯懦的,眩晕的,压抑的
eg. a ~ glow 微弱的亮光 a ~ hope 一线希望 fall into a dead ~ 昏倒
~ at the sight of blood 见到血晕了过去
D) fire n./vt./vi. 着火,发光,点燃
eg. ~ a house 放火烧屋 ~ dry leaves 点燃干树叶

解析:A) decrease vi./vt. 减少,减小
eg. ~in number 数目减少 ~sb.’s wages 减少某人的工资
B) drop n./vt./vi. (价格温度等)下降,滴落,掉下
eg. chocolate ~s (球形)巧克力糖
A ~in temperature 温度下降
A ~of thirty feet from the window to the groud 窗口到地面的30英尺距离
~one’s eyes 垂下两眼
C) descend vi./vt. 下来,下降,下倾,降低身份,堕落
eg. ~from a hill 从山上下到平地 ~from a car 下车
D) reduce vt./vi. 减少,缩减,降服,使降职
eg. ~pain 减少疼痛 ~pressure 减小压力
~the production costs 降低生产成本

解析:A) management n. 管理,处理,经营,操纵
eg. personnel ~人事管理 household ~家务处理
the ~of a tool 工具的使用
B) leadership n. 领导,领导地位,领导才能,领导人员
eg. The company gained market ~by selling products of superior quality.
C) in charge of 负责,看管
eg. be ~a project 负责一项工程
The documents are ~Mr. Wang. 这些文件由王先生保管。
D) direction n. 方位,方向,指导,指挥,指引
eg. in all ~s 向四面八方,向各方面
A research in new ~s 新课题的研究

解析:A) drop off 逐渐离开,散去,逐渐减少,睡着,让……下车
B) drop by 顺便访问一下
C) drop down 倒下,顺着(河流等)漂下
D) drop in ( on sb. ) 顺便走访(某人)
eg. Would you drop in on us tomorrow evening for a chat?

解析:A) precise adj. 精确的,精密的,明确的,严格的,刻板的
eg. the ~meaning of a word 一个词的确切意义
at the ~moment 恰恰在那一刻
B) correct vt./vi./adj. 改正,正确的,恰当的,符合的
eg. It’s the ~thing to do. 对啊,正应如此。
A ~answer 正确的回答 ~behaviour 端正的行为
C) exact adj./vt. 确切的,准确地,严格的,坚决要求
eg. What are his ~words? 他的原话是怎么说的?
To be (more) ~(更)确切地说
Be ~in one’s statement/words 说话严谨
D) accurate adj. 准确的,精确的,正确无误的
eg. an ~diagnosis 准确的诊断 an ~thermometer 精确的温度计

解析:A) dispose vt./vi. 布置,处理,使倾向于,使适应
eg. ~sb. for/to sth. 使某人有意于(做)某事 dispose of 处理,安排,解决
eg. He doesn’t know how to dispose of his spare time. 他不知道怎样安排业余时间。
B) dismiss vt./vi. 让……离开,打发,解雇,开除,解散,消除
eg. The manager ~ed the meeting. 经理宣布散会。
The class is ~ed. 现在下课。
~sb. with a wave of the hand 摆手把某人打发走
~sb. from his post 撤销某人的职务
C) discharge vt./vi./n. 卸下,排出,发泄,允许……离开,释放
eg. ~cargo (from a ship) 卸下(船上)货物
be ~d from hospital (prison) 出院(狱)
~sb. from an obligation 免除某人的义务
D) discard vt./vi./n. 丢弃,打出(无用的牌)
~an old coat 丢弃一件旧外套

解析:find favour with sb. 得宠于某人,受某人青睐
do sb. a favour ( do a favour for sb. ) 帮某人一个忙


11.He looked for a table to sit down at, but they were all ___.
A) served B) resorted C) reserved D) preserved

12.It is very difficult for us to ___ all the debts in such a short period of time.
A) accumulate B) gather C) collect D) assemble

13.Attendances at football matches have ___ since the coming of television.
A) dropped in B) dropped down C) dropped off D) dropped out

14.The President is visiting New York ___ the trade talks.
A) in contrast with B) in connection with C) in consequence of D) in accordance with

15.The ___ lawyer made a great impression on the jury.
A) protecting B) guarding C) defending D) shielding

16.The old couple invited many guests to a grand dinner to ___ their silver wedding anniversary.
A) welcome B) congratulate C) exclaim D) celebrate

17.They travelled to Spain by the most ___ route.
A) easy B) direct C) straight D) unique

18.What he said just now had little to do with the question ___ discussion.
A) on B) in C) under D) at

19.He said that very clearly so that nobody was in any ___ about what was meant.
A) doubt B) wonder C) question D) consideration

20.The headmaster had been trying for years to ___ money for a new science block.
A) arise B) raise C) lift D) arouse

解析:A) serve vt./vi./n. 为……服务,上菜
eg.~ one’s country 为国效力~ time ( a sentence ) 服刑~ sb. with the tea 为某人上茶~ as an interpreter 担任译员
B) resort vi./n 求助,凭借,胜地
eg.~ to force 诉诸武力~ to all kinds of methods 采取一切办法
a place to which he is known to~ 人们知道的他常去的地方
have~ to sb. 求助于某人
C) reserve vt./n. 储备,保留,保存
eg. All rights (are)~d. 版权所有
The first three rows are~d for children. 前三排是留给孩子们的。
~ seats in a theatre 向剧院订座
D) preserve vt./vi./n. 保护,保存,防止
eg.~ forests 保护森林~ one’s eyesight 保护视力~ order 维持秩序

解析:A) accumulate vt./vi. 堆积,积累,积聚
eg. Snow~d to a depth of five feet. 积雪厚达5英尺。
~ funds for 为……积累资金
B) gather vt./vi./n. 使聚集,搜集,采集,积聚
eg. The kindergartener~ed the children round her. 幼儿园阿姨把孩子们聚集在她周围。
C) collect vt./vi./adj./adv./n. 收集,采集,募集,使振作
eg.~ stamps 集邮
D) assemble vt./vi. 集合,聚集,收集,装配
eg. Thousands of people~d in a stadium. 成千上万人在一个体育场内集会。

解析:A) drop in ( on sb. ) 顺便走访(某人)
eg. Would you drop in on us tomorrow evening for a chat?
B) drop down 倒下,顺着(河流等)漂下
C) drop off 逐渐离开,散去,逐渐减少,睡着,让……下车
D) drop out 掉落,掉出,退出,隐退
eg. One of his teeth had dropped out. 他的一颗牙掉了。

解析:A) in contrast with/to 与……形成对比,与……截然不同
B) in connection with 与……有关,关于,(公共交通工具)与……衔接(或联运)
C) in consequence of 由于……的缘故
D) in accordance with 与……一致,按照,依据
eg. We acted ~your wishes. 我们是按照你的愿望办事的。

解析:A) protect vt. 保护
eg. ~ natural resources 保护自然资源
B) guard n./vt./vi. 保卫,守卫,看守,监视
eg. The dog ~ed the child day and night. 狗日夜守护着那个孩子。
C) defend vt./vi. 防卫,为……辩护
eg. ~ a lawsuit 为诉讼案作辩护
D) shield n./vt./vi. 盾牌,保护,保卫
eg. ~ one’s eyes from the light 遮住光线保护眼睛

解析:A) welcome adj./int./n./vt. 受欢迎的,欢迎
eg. The publication of that novel is warmly ~d by the readers. 那部小说的出版受到读者的热烈欢迎。
B) congratulate vt. 祝贺
eg. ~ sb. on/upon sth. 为某事向某人祝贺
C) exclaim vi./vt. 惊叫,大声说
eg. She exclaimed at the beautiful view. 她对这美丽的景色感到惊奇。
D) celebrate vt./vi. 庆祝,祝贺,颂扬
eg. ~ a victory 庆祝胜利 ~ sb.’s birthday 为某人过生日

解析:A) easy adj./adv. 容易的,安逸的
eg. a situation ~ to handle 容易对付的局面 an ~ life 安乐的生活
B) direct adj./adv. 径直的,直截了当的
eg. a ~ train 直达列车 ~ dealings 直接交易
as a ~ result of sth. 直接由于某事的缘故
be kept out of ~ sunlight 不受阳光直接照射
C) straight adj./adv./n./vt. 直的,笔直的,整齐的,率直的
eg. a ~ road 直路 a ~ back 挺直的背
D) unique adj./n. 独一无二的,独特的
eg. The problem is by no means ~ to this region. 这问题决不是这个地区所独有的。

解析:under discussion 在讨论中
eg. Your suggestion is still under discussion. 你的意见还在讨论中。

解析:A) doubt vt./vi./n. 怀疑,不信
eg. in ~ 感到怀疑的,拿不准的,不确定的
When in doubt about the meaning of a word, consult a dictionary.
B) wonder n./vi./vt./adj. 惊异,奇观,感到好奇,非凡的
The ivory work is a ~ of delicate workmanship. 这件象牙雕刻是手艺精巧的珍品。
I ~ at his doing that. 我对他那样干感到惊讶。
C) question n./vt./vi. 文题,询问,怀疑
eg. It cannot be ~ed but the new method is superior to the old one. 新方法比旧方法好,这是毫无疑义的。
D) consideration n. 考虑,要考虑的事,体贴,照顾,报酬,补偿
eg. show ~ for sb. 关心某人
in ~ of 考虑到,由于,作为对……的酬报

解析:A) arise vi. 起身,上升,形成,出现,引起
eg. ~ from the chair 从椅子里站起来
B) raise vt./vi./n. 筹集,提高 ~ funds 筹集资金 ~ a loan 贷一笔款
C) lift vt./vi./n. 提起,举起,提高
eg. ~ a pail of water from the ground 把一桶水从地上提起来 ~ weights 举重
D) arouse vt./vi. 唤醒,激起
eg. ~ sb. from sleep 唤醒某人 ~ the masses 唤醒民众(激起情绪)


1.All the information we have collected in relation to that case ___ very little.
A) makes up for B) adds up to C) comes up to D) puts up with

2.She was complaining that the doctor was ___ too much for the treatment he was giving her.
A) expending B) charging C) costing D) offering

3.Most people who travel in the course of their work are given travelling ___.
A) income B) allowances C) wages D) pay

4.She chose cushions of a colour which would ___ her carpet.
A) imitate B) fit C) mate D) match

5.Making ___ for bad weather and for my own laziness, I think that the job will be finished before the end of the year.
A) allowances B) margins C) budgets D) considerations

6.I was busy ___ plans for the new course.
A) setting out B) getting up C) laying down D) drawing up

7.She pointed out that her wages ___ no relation to the amount of work she did.
A) held B) yielded C) offered D) bore

8.Why this otherwise excellent newspaper allows such an article to be printed is ___ me.
A) without B) outside C) beside D) beyond

9.We hadn’t arranged an appointment. Henry and I met on the street ___.
A) by mistake B) by chance C) by the way D) by nature

10.He was ___ with robbery.
A) charged B) accused C) arrested D) imprisoned

解析:A) make up for 补偿,弥补
eg. ~lost time 补偿失去的时间
B) add up to 合计达,意味着
C) come up to 达到,及到,相当于,符合
eg. The water came up to his waist. 水深到齐他的腰。
D) put up with 忍受,容忍,经受

解析:A) expend vt. 消费,花费,耗尽
eg. ~much care in writing 用心写作
~a large sum on sth. 在某物上花一大笔钱(表示花费金钱时,expend不及spend常用)
B) charge vt./vi./n. 要(价),收(费)
eg. ~oneself with a task 承担一项任务
~(sb. ) a fee of 500 yuan (向某人)收取500元的费用
C) cost vt./vi./n. (使)花费,价钱为
eg. The book ~s 15 yuan. 这书价格为15元。
The work ~them much labour. 这件工作花去他们很多人工。
D) offer n./vt./vi. 提供,提出,呈现出,出现
eg. ~to help sb. 表示愿意帮助某人
~resistance to the enemy 抵抗敌人

解析:A) income n. 收入,收益,所得,流入(物)
eg. net ~纯收入
B) allowance n./vt. 允许,承认,津贴,补贴,折扣
eg. a traffic ~车贴 a separation ~分居津贴
Make ~s for 考虑到,顾及,为……留出余地;体谅
C) wages n. 工资,工钱;报应,报酬;工资总额
eg. His ~have gone up. 他涨了工资。
The ~of sin is death. 罪恶的报应是死亡。
D) pay vt./vi./n./adj. 支付,报偿,报答,工资,薪金
eg. full ( half ) ~全 (半 )薪 draw one’s ~领薪水

解析:A) imitate vt. 模仿,仿制,类似
eg. ~sb.’s intonation 模仿某人的语调
fabrics made to ~silk 仿丝绸织物
B) fit vt./vi./n./adj. 使适合,符合,恰当的
eg. Does the key ~the lock? 这个钥匙能开这把锁吗?
~one’s dees to one’s words 做到言行一致
C) mate n./vt./vi. 成配偶,成伙伴,紧密配合
eg. ~words with deeds 言行一致
D) match n./vt./vi. 和……相配,和……相称
eg. The picture ~es the story. 这幅图和故事很相配。
~words with deeds 言行一致
a design well ~ed in colour 颜色很相称的图案

解析:A) make allowances for 考虑到,顾及,为……留出余地;体谅
B) margin n./vt. 页边空白,边缘,余地
eg. leave a wide~ in/on the page 在书页上留一道宽边
make notes on the~ 在页边作注释
C) budget n./vt./vi./adj. 预算,安排,预定
eg.~ making 预算编制~ control 预算控制
A~ deficit 预算赤字 a family~ 家庭收支预算
D) consideration n. 考虑,要考虑的事,体贴,照顾,报酬,补偿
eg. show~ for sb. 关心某人
in~ of 考虑到,由于,作为对……的酬报

解析:A) set out 出发,开始,展开,宣布
eg.~ to undertake technical innovations in a big way 开始大搞技术革新
~ a garden(city) 设计一个花园(城市)的布局
B) get up 建造,升起,竖立,开办,设立,开始从事某种职业,提出
eg.~ a tent 搭起帐篷~ a flag 升旗~ a notice 张贴布告
~ a new theory 提出新理论~ a protest 大声抗议
C) lay down 放下,放弃,躺下,交出,规定,制定,兴建,断言,打赌
eg.~ one’s arms/weapons 放下武器,停止战争
~ one’s office 辞职~ one’s life for one’s country 为国捐躯
the policy laid down by the Party 党制定的政策
D) draw up 写出,草拟,制定,使停住,逼近

解析:A) hold vt./n. 拿着,抓住,支持,占据,约束
hold to 坚持,不放弃,紧握
eg. hold to one’s beliefs 坚持(某人的)信念
hold fast to branch 紧紧抓住树枝
B) yield vt./vi./n. 出产,生长出,给与,使屈服
eg.~ to pressure 屈服于压力~ to despair 陷于绝望~ to persuasion 听从劝告
C) offer n./vt./vi. 提供,提出,呈现出,出现
eg.~ to help sb. 表示愿意帮助某人
~ resistance to the enemy 抵抗敌人
D) bear vt./vi. 拥有,具有
eg. The letter bore his signature. 信上有他的签名。
The bed bore traces of having been slept in. 那只床上留有被人睡过的痕迹。

解析:A) without prep./adv./n./conj. 没有,不,超过,外面,除非
eg. a man~ friends or close relatives 一个既没有朋友又没有近亲的人
~ sb.’s reach 在某人所及的范围之外
B) outside n./adj./adv./prep. 超出……的范围,在外面,外部
eg.~ the law 超出法律范围
C) beside prep./adv. 在……旁边,除……之外
eg. walk~ sb. 走在某人旁边
D) beyond prep./adv./n. 远于,迟于,除……以外,超出,更远处
eg.~ this country’s jurisdiction 越出本国的管辖范围
~ sb.’s power 是某人力所不及的 the back of~ 天涯海角

解析:A) by mistake 错误地
eg. I took his umbrella~. 我错拿了他的伞。
B) by chance 碰巧,意外地
eg. I met him~ yesterday. 昨天我碰巧遇见了他。
C) by the way 在途中,在路旁;顺便说,附带说说
eg.~, how did your seminar go? 顺便问一下,研讨会开得怎么样?
D) by nature 天生地,出于本性地

解析:A) charge… with 控告,指控
eg. be charged with murder and arson 被控杀人放火
charge sb. with negligence 指责某人疏忽
B) accuse vt. 指责,控告
eg.~ sb. of carelessness 指责某人粗心
~ sb. of a crime 控告某人犯罪
C) arrest vt./n. 逮捕,拘留,阻止,吸引
eg. be put/placed/held under~ 被逮捕
D) imprison vt. 关押,监禁,禁锢,限制
eg. feel~ed in one’s own house 无法外出呆在家里感到烦闷


61.The two lawyers ___ for a few minutes about the exact meaning of a point of law.
A) discussed B) argued C) quarrelled D) clashed

62.He stood on the ___ of the river, looking down into the water.
A) border B) coast C) bank D) beach

63.He said that one must ___ religion from politics.
A) divorce B) divide C) identify D) differ

64.Generally, the larger the ___ , the more stable the object.
A) basis B) basin C) base D) basement

65.We cannot judge a person simply on the ___ of his education.
A) condition B) basis C) principle D) base

66.By rail it is cheaper to buy a return ticket than two ___ tickets.
A) individual B) single C) singular D) separate

67.We’re all in favor of spending whatever is necessary to ___ air pollution.
A) struggle B) combat C) conflict D) dismiss

68.We must leave nothing to ___.
A) possibility B) wish C) opportunity D) chance

69.He ___ the members of the audience to their seats.
A) accompanied B) distributed C) attended D) conducted

70. While in London, we paid a visit to the hospital founded ___ the nurse Florence Nightingale.
A) in line with B) in favour of C) in honour of D) in place of

解析:A) discuss vt. 讨论,辩论,论述
eg. They put their heads together to ~ what to do next. 他们聚在一起讨论下一步干什么。
What does the book ~ ? 这本书讲的是什么?
~ business with sb. 与某人谈生意(或正经事 )
B) argue vi./vt. 提供理由,争论,主张,认为 argue for/against 提供理由
~ with sb. about/over sth. 与某人辩论某事
~ sb. into ( out of ) doing sth. 说服某人做(不做)某事
eg. The report ~s against tax increases. 报告列举了反对增税的种种理由。
I was too tired to ~ the point. 我太累了,不想争论这一点。
His accent ~s him to be a southerner. 他的口音表明他是个南方人。
C) quarrel n./vi. 争吵 have a ~ with sb. about sth. 就某事跟某人争吵
make/patch up a ~ (争吵后)言归于好
~ with sb. 与某人吵架
D) clash vi./vt./n. 发生冲突,不协调,不一致
eg. Her birthday party ~ed with my examination, so I couldn’t go. 她的生日庆祝会和我的考试时间冲突,所以我没法去。
The fittings ~ with architecture. 建筑物的设备与其风格不配。
a ~ of opinions 意见的冲突 a color ~ 色彩的不协调

解析:A) border n./vi./adj. 边沿,边境,边界
eg. ~ disputes 边境争端 ~ incidents 边境事件
B) coast n./vt./vi. 海岸,沿岸航行
eg. sail along the ~ 沿海岸航行 ~ing trade 沿海贸易(尤指国内沿海港口间的贸易)
C) bank n./vt./vi. (河)岸,堤,(山)坡
eg. on the south ~ of the Yangtse River 在长江南岸
D) beach n./vi./vt. 海滩,(船)搁浅

解析:A) divorce n./vt./vi. 离婚,分离,脱离
eg. the ~ of theory from practice 理论脱离实践
the ~ between state and religion 政教的分离
B) divide vt./vi./n. 分开,隔开
eg. ~ one’s time between work and study 把时间分别用在工作和学习上
Let’s ~ ourselves into two groups. 我们分成两个小组吧。
The new road will ~ the development. 这条路将把开发区隔开。
C) indentify vt./vi. 认出,识别,确定,一致
eg. Some people ~ happiness with wealth. 有些人认为有钱就是幸福。
A small baby can ~ its mother by her voice. 幼小的婴儿能听得出母亲的声音。
The witness was able to ~ who had fired. 证人认得出是谁开的枪。
~ … as… 认出 She identified the man as her attacker. 她认出那个男人就是袭击过她的人。
D) differ vt. 不同 differ from
eg. Chinese ~s greatly from English in pronunciation. 汉语发音跟英语大不相同。
We ~ from/with him on/about/upon that question. 我们在那个问题上跟他们意见不同。

解析:A) basis n. [pl.] bases 基础,理论(抽象)
eg. on a friendly ~ 在友好的基础上(或根据友好的原则)
B) basin n. 盆,盆地
eg. an ocean ~ 海洋盆地
C) base 基础,底部,基地
eg. a missile ~ 导弹基地 a naval ~ 海军基地 the ~ of a triangle 三角形的底
D) basement n. 建筑物底部,基础部分;地下室

解析:A) condition vt./n. 条件,前提,状态 on no ~ 决不 on this/that ~ 在这种(那种)条件下
B) basis n. [pl.] bases 基础,理论 on the ~ of 在……的基础上
C) principle n. 原则,准则
eg. run a country on socialist ~s 按社会主义原则治国
a matter/question/ of ~ 原则性问题
D) base 基础,底部,基地
eg. a missile ~ 导弹基地 a naval ~ 海军基地 the ~ of a triangle 三角形的底

解析:A) individual adj./n. 个人的,个体的,单独的,独特的
eg. give ~ attention (instruction) 给予个别注意(指导)
~ private ownership 个体所有制 boat trips for parties and ~s 团体或个人的坐船游览 an ~ style 独特风格
B) single adj./n./vt./vi. 单一的,单程的,未婚的,专一的,唯一的
eg. a ~ track (铁路)单轨 walk in ~ file 成单列走 a ~ bed 单人床
write down every ~ word 写下每一个词 an ~ man 独身男子
C) singular adj./n. 单一的,非凡的,奇异的
eg. ~ beauty 非常美 a man of ~ courage 胆略超群的人
a ~ specimen 独一无二的标本 ~ to say [用作插入语]说也奇怪
D) separate adj./n./vt./vi. 分开的,分离的,各别的,独立的
eg. the ~ parts of the body 身体的各个部分 be ~d from the army 从军中退役
~ cream out of milk 从牛奶中提取奶油

解析:A) struggle vi./vt./n. 斗争,奋斗,挣扎
eg. ~ against/with difficulties 与困难作斗争
~ for national indipendence 为民族独立而斗争
B) combat n./vt./vi. 战斗,斗争,格斗
eg. ~ diseases 与疾病作斗争 ~ effectiveness 战斗力
C) conflict n./vi. 斗争,冲突 in ~ (with) (与……)相抵触,(和……)不一致
eg. the ~ between government and opposition 政府和反对党之间的斗争
a ~ of opinions/ideas 意见(思想)上的分歧
D) dismiss vt./vi. 让……离开,打发,解雇,开除,解散,消除
eg. The manager ~ed the meeting. 经理宣布散会。
The class is ~ed. 现在下课。
~ sb. with a wave of the hand 摆手把某人打发走
~ sb. from his post 撤销某人的职务

解析:A) possibility n. 可能性,可能的事,发展前途,合适的人
eg. Is there any ~ of our getting there? 我们还能准时赶到那里吗?
There is no ~ of his coming back this week. 他本星期不可能回来。
B) wish vt./vi./n. 祝愿,希望,但愿,要求,命令,希望的事
eg. the needs and ~es of the people 人民的需要和愿望
Make a ~ 提出愿望
Have a (no) ~ to do sth. 想(不想)做某事
C) opportunity n. 机会,良机
eg. make an/the~ of doing/to do sth. 创造做某事的机会
In search of new opportunities 寻求新的机会
D) chance n./vi./vt. 机会,可能性,偶然的事,运气,冒险,彩票
eg. a good~ to learn from sb. 一个向某人学习的好机会
leave sth. to~ 对某事听其自然

解析:A) accompany vt./vi. 陪同,伴随,伴奏
eg. Thunder accompanies lightning. 雷声伴随着闪电。
B) distribute vt./vi. 分配,散布,把……分类
~ pictures among children 把图片分给孩子们
C) attend vt./vi. 出席,参加,陪伴,伴随
eg.~ a meeting 参加会议 a cold~ed by fever 有寒热的感冒
D) conduct n./vt./vi. 实施,处理,引导,带领,传导
eg.~ sb. over a school 带领某人参观学校
~ sb. to his table 把某人领到餐桌边入席 70. 答案:C
译文:在伦敦的时候,我们去参观了为纪念Florence Nightingale护士而建造的医院。
解析:A) in line with 跟……一致,符合
eg. Behaviour at school parties must be in line with school’s rule.
B) in favour of 赞同,支持,有利于
eg. be in favour of sb.’s suggestion 赞同某人的建议
I rejected him in favour of George. 我拒绝了他而选择了乔治。
C) in honour of为向……表示敬意,为庆祝……,为纪念……
eg. give a banquet in honour of the delegation 设宴招待代表团
D) in place of 代替,交换
eg. use plastics in place of wood or metal 用塑料来代替木材或金属


51.Microsoft insisted that Windows NT should be used on every type of computer, from notebook-size ___ ones to the huge ones that fill data centers.
A) portable B) mobile C) slight D) domestic

52.It was nearly Christmas, and the children were in high ___.
A) moods B) spirits C) tempers D) hearts

53.Scientists have discovered a close ___ between smoking and several serious diseases.
A) contact B) connection C) communication D) combination

54.We have enormous reserves of oil still waiting to be ___.
A) deposited B) disposed C) tackled D) tapped

55.He grew very angry when he realized how he had been ___ out of his money.
A) tricked B) plotted C) deceived D) robbed

56.The cars were___because it was impossible to go any further in the fog.
A) sacrificed B) transported C) abandoned D) removed

57.The president ___ the nation on the subject of war and peace.
A) remarked B) addressed C) debated D) commented

58.He ___me to take a lawyer to court with me.
A) advised B) suggested C) demanded D) insisted
59.The police ___ him of participation in the robbery.
A) distrusted B) questioned C) suspected D) doubted

60.The government is ___ to reassure everyone that the situation is under control.
A) worried B) anxious C) concerned D) desirable

译文:微软强调Windows NT应该适用于每一种类型的计算机,不管是手提电脑还是用于数据中心的巨型电脑。
解析:A) portable adj./n. 轻便的,手提式的,可移植的, 便携式电脑,活动房屋
eg. a ~ typewriter 手提打字机 a ~ test instrument 便携式测试仪器
B) mobile adj./n. 活动的,流动的,易变的,活动装置
eg. a ~ missile launcher 移动式导弹发射器 ~ labour 流动劳动力
~ troops 快速部队 a ~ face 表情多变的脸 ~ phone 手机
C) slight adj./vt. 纤细的,轻微的,少量的,轻视,藐视
eg. a ~ figure 瘦小的身材 a ~ framework 脆弱的骨架
a ~ cold 轻微的伤风 a ~ difference 微小的区别
D) domestic adj./n. 家庭的,国内的,本地的
eg. ~ economy 家庭经济 ~ appliances 家用器具
~ and foreign policies 国内外政策

解析:A) be in a good (bad) mood 情绪好(坏)
B) in high/great spirits 情绪高涨,兴高采烈
in poor/low spirits 情绪低落,意气消沉
C) be in a good (bad) temper 心情好(不好)
D) in heart 情绪高昂的

解析:A) contact n./vt./vi./adj./adv. 接触,联系,交往
eg. The pilot tried to make ~ with his base. 飞行员设法与基地联系。
A physical ~ 身体的接触
Come into ~ with new ideas 接触新思想
B) connection n. 联结,连接,联系,关系,因果(或逻辑)关系
eg. His illness must have had some ~ with his diet. 他的病想必同他的饮食有关。
C) communication n. 传达,交流,交往,沟通,通讯
eg. a lack of ~ between old and young persons 老年人和青年人之间的缺乏沟通
The Ministry of Communications (中国)交通部
D) combination n. 结合(体),联合(体)
eg. in ~ with 与……联合,与……结合,与……混合

解析:A) deposit vt./vi./n. 存放,储蓄,沉淀
eg. ~ sth. with sb. 把某物寄放在某人处 ~money in a bank 把钱存在银行里
oil ~ 油田,石油藏量 a savings ~ 储蓄金
B) dispose vt./vi. 配置,布置,安排,使倾向于,使适应
eg. I am ~d to agree with you. 我倾向于你的观点。
~these floppy disks within reach 把这些软盘安放在伸手可以取到的地方
C) tackle n./vt./vi. 用具,着手处理,对付,解决
eg. ~sb. on a subject 为某一问题与某人交涉
~sb. about his frequent absences 为某人经常缺勤而找他谈话
D) tap vt./vi./n. 开发,发掘,水龙头
eg. ~the natural resources 开发自然资源
~the production potential 发掘生产潜力
~the Western technology 利用西方技术

解析:A) trick n./adj./vt./vi. 把戏,欺诈
trick out of 哄骗,诈骗
eg. trick sb. out of his money 骗取某人的钱
B) plot n./vt./vi. 密谋,策划,情节
eg. They are plotting together to take over the company. 他们正在合谋接管公司。
a~to assassinate the king 刺杀国王的阴谋
C) deceive vt./vi. 欺骗,诓骗,蒙蔽,欺诈
eg. ~sb. into doing sth. 骗某人去做某事 be ~d in sb. 受某人蒙骗
D) rob vt./vi. 抢劫,盗窃
eg. ~a man of his money 抢人钱财 ~a bank 抢一家银行

56-60 CBBCC(欢迎大家讨论)
